We are VR Freaks. We believe in the power of immersive technologies to transport, transfix, train, entertain, and educate. Freak specialise in developing, conceptualising, directing, coding and producing VR content, VR apps, VR films, 360 video production and 360 content for web, headset and mobile devices.
In a world where we are becoming increasingly reliant on digital connectivity in the absence of physical presence, VR can connect us in ways that no other medium can. As a storytelling platform, it has the power to provide insights beyond the constraints of time and space. As a method for creating empathy, its power is unparalleled in any other form of media.
As well as providing end-to-end production services, Freak can offer a number of off-the-shelf VR film and 360 video production packages for external productions, with in-house expertise and hardware to suit a range of production scales.
“Its a heartbreaking story, which proves that all, the World Bank, the International Transport Workers Federation and all IFIS should make a joint effort and find better ways of how they can improve the life condition for these ordinary people, like the Bus conductor in Senegal. It is a challenging task, but it is doable and I think we can do a lot to help those people.”
Aliya Karakulova – World Bank – Senior Operations Officer
“I never knew that the working conditions were that difficult in Senegal, it was very informative and I can’t believe that they go so long without getting home, 6 days a week 12-14 hours per day its…I couldn’t imagine. Thats makes me feel very lucky to live here.”
Elizabeth Boren – World Bank – VR Developer