Together with the ITF (International Transport Workers Federation), we ran an installation presenting a VR documentary that we produced in Dakar, Senegal, at the annual World Bank ‘Transforming Transportation’ conference in Washington DC.
In Senegal, informal workers are faced with huge challenges to earn their livings, from 15 hour working days to abuse and exploitation from police and mafia. Our documentary follows a day in the life of Soukae Ka, exploring her world, inviting the influential attendees at the World Bank to walk a mile in her shoes, with the aim of helping to improve the lives of all those working in the informal transport sector.
“Its a heartbreaking story, which proves that all, the World Bank, the International Transport Workers Federation and all IFIS should make a joint effort and find better ways of how they can improve the life condition for these ordinary people, like the Bus conductor in Senegal. It is a challenging task, but it is doable and I think we can do a lot to help those people.”
Aliya Karakulova – World Bank – Senior Operations Officer
“I never knew that the working conditions were that difficult in Senegal, it was very informative and I can’t believe that they go so long without getting home, 6 days a week 12-14 hours per day its…I couldn’t imagine. Thats makes me feel very lucky to live here.”
Elizabeth Boren – World Bank – VR Developer
“I’ve been working directly in urban transport in African cities, and it still comes as a surprise to me how much this medium can give you an insight – helping you to understand – what is happening on the ground. I analyse these issues on a daily basis, and this video still gives me a completely unique perspective. Fantastic.”
Fatima Arroyo Arroyo – Urban Transport Specialist
“You have a great sense of what the the issues of workers in this sector are – not just physically, but psychologically. In those few short minutes you get a real glimpse of how difficult the job is, what goes into it for 14h hours a day, the conditions that she works in as well as other people working in the informal sector in Senegal.”
Wesley Uhl – World Resources Institute